In a modern capitalist system, regulators provide guardrails to keep markets from driving the economy off a cliff. 在一个现代的资本主义体系中,监管机构会提供防护使市场不至把经济推向悬崖。
This unique feature of labor-power explains the source of profits in a capitalist system. 劳动力的这种特质可以解释资本主义体系其利益的来源。
The main feature of the capitalist system is a most acute class struggle between the exploiters and the exploited. 剥削者和被剥削者极其尖锐的阶级斗争,乃是资本主义制度的基本特征。
In the third place, let's ask: Which is better, the socialist system or the capitalist system? 再次,社会主义制度和资本主义制度哪个好?
John Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system. 高尔斯华绥并没有冲破资本主义制度的束缚。
From a contemporary standpoint the slave system, the feudal system and the capitalist system are all bad, but historically they were more progressive than the primitive communal system. 现在看来,奴隶制度、封建制度、资本主义制度都不好,其实他们在历史上都曾经比原始公社制度要进步。
Since Hong Kong's return to China, its previous capitalist system and way of life have remained unchanged. 香港回归祖国以来,原有的资本主义制度和生活方式继续保持不变。
The state apparatus serves not only the socialist syslem of the mainland as the main body but also the capitalist system in the special administrative district. 国家机器不仅要服务于大陆为主体的社会主义制度,而且也要服务于特别行政区资本主义制度。
In the future, we must and certainly will have abundant facts with which to demonstrate that the socialist system is superior to the capitalist system. 我们一定要、也一定能拿今后的大量事实来证明,社会主义制度优于资本主义制度。
Economic crisis is the inevitable outcome of the capitalist system. 经济危机是资本主义制度的必然结果。
Many countries operate variants of the free enterprise capitalist system. 许多国家实行的自由企业资本主义制度的不同变体。
The free enterprise capitalist system 资本主义自由企业制
How can one explain this? Maybe you are right, the root of the problem is the capitalist system. 也许您是对的,问题的根本就是资本主义制度问题。
The People's Republic of China, with another fifth of the world's population, will not adopt America's capitalist system either. 中华人民共和国不会向美国学习资本主义制度,中国人口也占了世界人口的五分之一。
Taking up the pen as a weapon, he launched a relentless attack on the capitalist system. 他以笔做武器,对资本主义制度进行了无情的抨击。
Periodic crises wrack the capitalist system, and they grow in size and duration. 周期性的危机破坏着资本主义制度,这种危机的规模在扩大,时间在延长。
In a capitalist system, it showed a certain amount of money equivalent of the labor force. 在资本主义制度下,它表现为一定货币额的劳动力的等价物。
The root of alienation between man and the nature is capitalist system. 资车主义制度是人与自然关系异化的根源。
The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people. 资本主义制度建立在剥削劳动人民的基础上。
If the developed capitalist countries were to rid themselves of the capitalist system, their economy and culture would certainly make greater progress. 如果发达的资本主义国家摆脱了资本主义制度,它们的经济文化肯定还会有更大的进步。
China serves as a developing country, as different from the capitalist system has recEived extensive attention, study of Chinese political development has very important significance. 中国作为发展中国家,作为不同于资本主义的制度体系一直得到广泛的关注,研究中国的政治发展具有十分重要的意义。
The capitalist system is based on the profit motive. 资本主义制度是以赢利动机为基础建立起来的。
That is the genius of the capitalist system. 那是资本主义制度的特征。
The current unprecedented creative destruction going on within the capitalist system will create a new order. 当前,资本主义体系内部空前的创造性破坏将创建出新的秩序。
It is a revolution that will bury the capitalist system and all other systems of exploitation once and for all. 这是要把资本主义制度和一切剥削制度彻底埋葬的一场革命。
To working-class women, oppression was what the system did to both women and men, not just something men in a patriarchal, capitalist system did to women. 劳动阶级妇女所指的压迫,是这个制度对男人和女人做了些什么,并不仅指在这个家长式的、资本主义的制度下男人对女人做了什么。
The market economy, the capitalist system, became the only model for the vast majority of the world. 市场经济、本主义制度成为世界绝大多数国家所奉行的模式。
Its challenge and impact on capitalist system and order have extensive influence on international political stage. 其对资本主义制度与秩序的挑战和冲击,在国际政治舞台上具有广泛和深远的影响。
We cannot say that every aspect of the capitalist system in Hong Kong is perfect. 我们总不能讲香港资本主义制度下的所有方式都是完美无缺的吧?
Only after ridding alienated state of man's labour by transforming capitalist system all-out, will man turn into all-round development man. 只有变革资本主义制度,人的劳动在彻底摆脱乒化状态后,人将成为全面发展的人。